Paul Rubin is an expert Hydrologist, Karst Hydrologist, Geologist, and hydrogeologist
Paul Rubin is an expert consultant in Hydrology, Geology, Hydrogeology, and Karst.

EIS Review and Analysis

All states require Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) for projects that may have adverse environmental impacts. Some applicants do not provide sufficient information for Planning Boards to make fully-informed decisions and, as a result, some projects are approved without full environmental review. Some project applicants take a piecemeal approach to providing Planning Boards with information in an attempt to avoid conducting needed environmental analysis and public review. HydroQuest can help.
Water resource protection requires environmental analysis

Questions We Can Answer

Services Include

Example Work Project

A Town requested HydroQuest to conduct a review of a proposed sand and gravel mining operation. Permitting of the mine would have resulted in removal of sediments through which aquifer recharge occurs AND in the removal of a significant portion of the high-yield aquifer itself. This aquifer requires protection because it is the single most important water resource in the Town and will likely be integral to the Town.s future development. In addition, the mine operation would adversely impact the water supply of a nearby, existing, housing development.

Other Work Projects Include:

Environmental Impact Statements

Aquifer & Wetland Protection

Environmental Impact Statements

Environmental Review

Environmental Impact Statements

Groundwater in Mines & Wells

Environmental Impact Statements

Groundwater Flow Assessment

Environmental Impact Statements

Environmental Review of Wetland Hydrology

Environmental Impact Statements

Environmental Assessment of Wildlife